10 facts about karry

Hey friends! Welcome to my blog. I thought I would give you all a glimpse at who I am before we dive in to other things. Here’s 10 things I bet you didn’t know about me:


1.     What would be the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery?  Something that most lottery winners don’t do, which is hire an accountant immediately.

2.     A product you can’t live without? Chapstick. I would rather be ashy then have dry lips. That’s like the most uncomfortable thing ever. 

3.     What’s your go to guilty pleasure? Real Housewives of Potomac! I have cut down on most reality tv shows, but this one I can’t step away from. 

4.     What’s one thing that can instantly make your day better? My man & My dogs

5.     If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? Pepperoni Pizza, From Imo’s Pizza in Saint Louis, MO (Errday ok!)

6.     Would you say you are more of an introvert or extrovert? I am an ambivert. I have to be in a sales or a fun setting to be an extrovert. I am an introvert when I am trying to gauge people and situations. 

7.     What is the last TV Show you Binged watched? Maid on Netflix. Its sooo good!

8.     What activity instantly calms you? Listening to Prophetic instrumental worship music and reading the Bible. I also like to go for a walk or do a workout video.

9.     Which meal is your favorite? Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Dinner! This is the meal I look forward too after I have meal prepped and hit my goal of the day. I reward myself with a nice dinner, nothing too heavy though. 

10.  What personality traits are you most proud of? I am honest. I am going to tell you straight up how I feel about something whether you like it or not. I have healthy boundaries and people often think that boundaries are being mean.